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Training Material

The design and development of training material has always been and continues to be a major capital for the ETL.

The design and development of training material has always been and continues to be a major capital for the ETL. The prediction of the forthcoming rapid development of digital technologies in the 1990s has prompted the need to find new ways of describing exploratory activities that would pedagogically use digital technologies and their functionalities.

Thus, within the framework of the YDEES and Odyssey Projects, besides the development of exploratory software, the ETL devises the "Exploratory activity plan based on new technologies", which is later established with the now known term "Scenario".

Starting from the basic aspects and characteristics of the scenario and always guided by the promotion of the basic principles governing the lab in order to highlight the added pedagogical value of I.C.T. through suitably designed activities, we present here some of the best "Scenarios" designed by teachers.