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Greek Ministry of Education Projects

  • The Digital School Project: Requirements for the Digital Platform, Development and Functioning of the Digital Knowledge Database, Digitising educational material, Ministry of Education, Computer Technology Institute and Press - National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013 (more information),
  • Training Teachers in Using ICT in the School Practice: "Teaching and Lifelong Learning" Programme – National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013 – Co-funded by the European Commission and National Funds (more information),

Past Projects:

  • The OECD/CERI Project: A Case Study of ICT and School Improvement, the OECD/CERI ICT Programme, 2000 - 2001, Pedagogical Institute, EPEAEK, Ministry of Education (more information),
  • The Odysseia E56 Project: Development of Generic Software Components, Demonstration of New Technologies, Ministry of Education, Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK I), 2000-2001 (more information),
  • The Odysseia E52 Project: Using handheld devices in educational activities, Demonstration of New Technologies, Ministry of Education, Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK I), 1999-2000 (more information),
  • The Odysseia Kalipso Project: Ministry of Education, Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK I), 1996-1999 (more information),
  • The Odysseia E42 Project: Preparation of Teacher Education Programmes for having New Practices with New Tools in class, Teachers' Educators Postgraduate Training Programme in the Pedagogical Use of Computational and Information Technology in Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK I), 1999-2000 (more information),
  • The DEKA Project: Investigations with tools for learning fractions and ratio - Schools for Implementing Innovative Educational Programs, Pedagogical Institute, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK), Community Support Framework, 1998 (more information).