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Katia Schiza

Katia Schiza is a PhD Student


  • Katia Schiza graduated of the Department of Mathematics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). She followed the direction of Applied Mathematics and obtained a Specialization in Mathematics Teaching.
  • In July 2022, she completed her postgraduate studies on "Digital Transformation and Educational Practice". This Master’s Degree was awarded jointly by the cooperating Institutions of UNIWA, NKUA and ASPETE with a grade of 9.88/10.
  • From December 2022, she is a PhD candidate in Mathematics Education. The title of her PhD thesis is: "Mathematical programming competence developed through the creation and investigation of 3D digital models".
  • She is a member of the Educational Technology Lab since 2021 and she has participated in the European Research Projects: "GAMMA" (GAMe-based learning in MAthematics - Erasmus+), "Exten.(D.T.)2" (Extending Design Thinking with Emerging Digital Technologies - HORIZON-CL2-2021) and "TransEET" (Transforming Education with Emerging Technologies - HORIZON-WIDERA-2021).
  • She works in the field of secondary education in Mathematics.
  • Her research interests are focused on the educational design of learning activities for teaching mathematics using programming tools, aiming mainly for -beyond students' meaning making and skill cultivation- the development of students' mathematical competence. She is interested in and focuses on the role of mathematics in the age of digitization and the role that mathematical competence could play concerning the challenges of the 21st century.

Contact Information:

Phone: 210 7277838 

E-mail: katiaschiza@eds.uoa.gr 

Maria-Stella Nikolaou

Maria-Stella Nikolaou is a PhD Student


  • Maria-Stella Nikolaou holds a degree from the Department of Informatics and Telematics of the Harokopio University of Athens.
  • In September 2022 she successfully completed her postgraduate studies at the Inter-institutional MSc "Digital Transformation and Educational Practice" of the Department of Computer Engineering & Computer Science of UNIWA, the Department of Secondary Education of NKUA and the Department of Education of ASPETE.
  • Since September 2022 she is a member of the Educational Technology Laboratory (EET) and from January 2023 she is a PhD candidate on "Cultivating Computational Thinking Skills in Secondary School Students, using and adapting appropriately designed Digital Games".
  • She works in the field of Computer Science Education, Programming and Web Design.
  • Her research interest focuses on the cultivation of Computational Thinking skills through the design of digital classification games, with an emphasis on technologies that embody kinesthetic interactions.

Contact Information:

Phone: 210 7277838 

E-mail: msnikolaou@eds.uoa.gr

Chara Korompli

Chara Korompli is a PhD Student


  • She holds a Bachelor ‘s Degree in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and a Master’ s Degree in Mathematics Education (NKUA)
  • She is a member of the Educational Technology Lab (ETL) and a PhD Candidate in Mathematics Education. The Title of her Dissertation is: «Children's meaning-making while programming dynamic digital models; The case of Inscribability in Mathematics»
  • She also teaches Mathematics to students of secondary educationHer research interests focus on children's mathematical thinking as they engage with geometric modelling activities, and the role of programming tools and emerging technologies in the design of exploratory experiences of mathematisation

Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας:

Τηλέφωνο: 210 7277838 

Ηλεκτρονική Διεύθυνση: charkor@eds.uoa.gr
